Interior Wood Products

Interior Products

Create your graceful interior

From square-edged cherry to maple, ash, basswood and eastern white pine, Wightman Lumber specializes in custom flooring, moulding, siding, stair treads, wainscot, paneling, and other hardwoods for your interior projects.

Enhance your home’s interior and add to its resale value. For commercial projects, better quality woods are easy to maintain, and provide an inviting, warm, classical beauty.


Please use the drop down menu above for specific interior products

146 County Highway 35A
PO Box 386
Portalndville, NY 13834
P: 607.286.9813
F: 607.286.7136

Retail Yard Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 am to 4:30pm
Saturday 8 am to 12pm.

Loading Hours:
8 am – 3pm

Retail Holiday Schedule:

We will be closed on

New Years Day 
Memorial Day 5/27/2024
Independence Day 7/4/2024
Labor Day 9/2/2024
Thanksgiving Day
Friday 11/28/2024
Christmas Day